Catholic Life

Catholic Life


Christ is at the centre of all we do at St. Joseph’s and this is evident in every classroom and corridor around the school. In the following pages, you will find information about the teaching of Religious Education in school, our collective worship and all aspects of Catholic Life at St. Joseph’s.

Year of St. Joseph

Pope Francis has declared a special Year of St. Joseph to mark the 150th anniversary of Pope Pius IX’s proclamation of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. The Year of St Joseph runs from Tuesday, 8 December 2020, to Wednesday, 8 December 2021.

In his letter, Pope Francis said that Christians can discover in St. Joseph, who often goes unnoticed, “a support and a guide in times of trouble.”

In school, to mark the Year of St. Joseph, we spent time thinking about what we can learn from St. Joseph, a man who is not see to speak any words in the Bible.

From this idea, children explored the message that ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’, and they considered in their classes ways they can spread love and God’s message, just like St. Joseph, through actions they take.

Click to read Pope Francis letter on the Year of St. Joseph