Religious Education

Religious Education

In our Religious Education at St. Joseph’s, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum providing the children with many opportunities to explore Religion and develop their understanding of the teachings of the church, reflect on their faith and ask thought-provoking questions. Lessons are planned to provide children with a sense of awe and wonder on the world that God has created around them. Through their work in Religious Education, children are encouraged to look to Scripture as a guide for living and to take responsibility for the care of our common home. As a core subject at St Joseph’s, we remember Christ in all we do. The children are proud of their school and enjoy the subject.

We want our children to take ownership of their learning and play a part in their own assessment. We want them to feel confident when speaking about their learning. They will be able to learn about their religion and from their religion. As they grow older, they evaluate what they have learnt and apply it to their life.

We provide the children will opportunities to learn more about scripture and its importance through regular use of scripture from the Bible in the classroom.

RE is taught through the programme,“Come and See”. Nine themes run through the year and each year group studies the same theme through year appropriate topics.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses the search for meaning in life. God’s initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us and our response of faith. (cf. CCC26) This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through; Explore, Reveal and Respond. (

Children open and close each topic with a ‘Big Question’.  This encourages all children to have an opportunity to respond spiritually, to ask questions and look at the world with awe and wonder. It also provides class teachers with a tool for assessment of the children’s learning.

In school, we are supported four our parish priest who supports our RE curriculum by visiting the classes, or inviting classes into church to talk about the sacraments of Baptism and Ordination.

Each year, Judaism is studied every year from Reception to Year 6 in the Autumn Term.  Islam is taught in the Summer term.

Click here for RE Dates and Topics 2022-2023

Click here for our Religious Education Policy