Documents Available for Inspection at the School

Documents Available for Inspection at the School

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that schools should be clear and proactive about the information they will make public. Therefore there are a number of documents and policy statements which are available in the school office for you to inspect.

The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2002 places a duty on all schools to:

  • promote racial equality
  • promote good race relations between people from different racial groups
  • eliminate unlawful racial discrimination

Our school fully supports these statements and has a written Race Equality Policy. The documents which are available include:

  • The LA’s Statement of Curriculum Policy
  • All Statutory Instruments, Circulars and Administrative Circulars which have been sent by the DFE to school.
  •  All schemes of work currently used by teachers in the school.
  • A copy of the LA’s arrangement for the consideration of complaints, (for VA schools). A copy of that part of the trust deed which governs the provision for R.E.
  • Policy for General Complaints