School Rules and Discipline

School Rules and Discipline

Children at St Joseph’s come for a variety of backgrounds.  Our ambition for everyone’s behaviour is based on the fundamental gospel values, and in particular the message, “Love you Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbour as yourself”. (Luke 10:27).

All staff expect the children to be polite, well-behaved and respectful both of both adults and other children.  Children equally, have a right to expect the same of the adults who work with them.   The philosophy of the mutual respect and understanding is the key principle of our behaviour policy.

Our school looks to parental support in matters of discipline and assisting the development of good work habits on the part of the children.

There are also rewards and sanctions for playground behaviour.

Assisting in supporting positive behaviour is our House Point system, whereby children are awarded points which accumulate towards the awarding of the House Cup each week.