Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy

Opportunities for the school community to come together for Prayer and Liturgy is a valued and special part of the school week and a core aspect of our school life.

School Assemblies

Every Monday morning, children participate in a whole-school assembly, led by our headteacher, Mr Ross, and on Friday afternoons, Key Stage assemblies are led by a class teacher. Assemblies are an opportunity for children and staff to come together, as a school community, to reflect on our faith, to give thanks to God and feel His presence in school with us.

Assemblies may be linked to feast days or celebrations in the liturgical year, Sunday’s Gospel, or themes linked to PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education).

We begin each assembly by lighting a candle, saying together a school prayer and our Mission Statement, as a reminder to us all of the values which link us together as a family of Christ.


Class Assemblies

Every class in the school is given the opportunity each year to lead collective worship in front of other year groups and their parents and carers. Children use a variety of story-telling, drama, singing and prayer to demonstrate their learning in Religious Education, and another area of the curriculum. Our class assemblies are very well attended by parents and enjoyed by everyone in the community.

Classroom Prayers

On days where the children are not attending whole-school or Key Stage assemblies, they participate in class Collective Worship. Children are invited to be involved in the planning and delivering of classroom prayers and liturgies. Each class has ‘liturgy leader’, who has been given the responsibility of involving others in collective worship, choosing prayers and themes and ensuring that their class prayer focus is tidy and includes the correct liturgical year cloths.

Ten:Ten Resources

The planning and delivering of Collective Worship across the school is supported by our new resource, Ten:Ten. It provides many engaging and interactive resources, which can be used in classes and encourage pupils to get involved and take ownership of prayer and liturgy that takes place across the school.

The vision of Ten:Ten Resources is to help school communities grow in faith, love, understanding and compassion. They have created a wide-range of unique media-rich resources, inspired by our Catholic faith.

Click here for more information about the Ten:Ten Collective Worship Resource


We value our strong links to our local parishes. We are lucky to be situated next to the parish of St. Joseph. Every Tuesday, a year group attend 9am Mass with parishioners. Each year group have the opportunity once a year to participate in the Mass by reading Scripture and planning prayers.

We also attend school Masses, at St. Joseph’s Church, to begin our school year and for other feast days, including the feast day of St. Joseph on 19th March each year.

A leavers’ Mass is prepared by the Year 6 children at the end of the Summer term and is attended by their families in the evening of their last few days in school.

Different Types of Prayers

Children are aware of the different types of prayers and remember them using the acronym TAPS:

  • T – Thanks
  • A- Ask (KS1) Adoration (KS2)
  • P- Praise (KS1) Petition (KS2)
  • S- Sorry (KS1) Sorrow (KS2)

Children are able to use the different types of prayers and examples of them are displayed in classrooms and around school.

Please see below some of our prayer focuses around school:

Click here for our Collective Worship Policy